
Friluftsliv, or ‘free air life’ is a concept originating in Scandinavia, though similar ideas have emerged in many cultures. It’s the idea that spending time immersed in nature is good for a person’s wellbeing. Nature-derived wellness has long been explored by education reformers such as the MacMillan sisters, and by the Italian education revolutionary, Maria Montessori. The development of the Forest School Programme, now internationally recognised, was inspired by Scandinavian outdoor education initiatives based in friluftsliv.

Forest School gives participants time to immerse themselves in the unparalleled beauty of the great outdoors. Regardless of what activities we do, the outdoors benefits us simply by our being out in it. Participants are encouraged to feel outside of themselves. I have heard people say that they come away feeling calmer, more focused, healthier – a general ‘lightness of being’ associated with being out in the fresh air. Campfire cookouts, whittling, observing nature, den building, tracking, and other bushcraft activities add a layer of goodness, providing a type of learning found nowhere else in a standard school curriculum.

While Forest School benefits all, it may be especially helpful for those dealing with anxiety, depression, and for those with specific cognitive conditions, such as autism and ADHD. The difficulties inherent to modern educational settings for such individuals are well-documented. Artificial lighting, ‘busy’ environments and other factors can cause stress; these same individuals commonly find natural settings much more comfortable. The freedom to focus closely on something of interest, or on nothing at all, makes Forest School a welcome respite as it easily adapts to the needs of each individual. No two people experience Forest School in exactly the same way.

During a Forest School session this winter, one participant said with astonishment that the fire we had built was ‘Just the colour of a real fire!’ This gave me pause, and a renewed appreciation for what Forest School has to offer. At a time when young people (and their elders) are filling time with artificial stimulation, for some to the point of addiction, it’s more important than ever that they have opportunity to immerse themselves in real experiences that can give them both immediate and lifelong wellbeing. Forest School offers the chance to create resilience, self-esteem, perspective, observation, communication, peace, and the occasional toasted marshmallow. What’s not to love?


About me…

Photo Credit: Evan DeRushie

Photo Credit: Evan DeRushie

I’m a Canadian outdoor educator living in the UK, a qualified teacher (PGDE) and Forest School Leader (Level 3) with over a decade of experience as a Duke of Edinburgh Group Leader, Supervisor and Expedition Assessor. I hold a Countryside Leader Award, have completed Mountain Leader training and am training as a Bushcraft instructor. I have previously worked in the Education department at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Canada, developing and leading programming through both natural and cultivated landscapes. I’m a PADI qualified scuba-diver and hold a REC2 first aid certificate.

I have a BAH in Medieval Studies, and an MA, having written a thesis on the Medieval human relationship to both cultivated and wild landscapes. My studies also include Public History Interpretation.

I’ve had an interest in and love for the great outdoors from an early age, with fond memories of back country canoe expeditions in Ontario from early childhood. My parents were my first teachers and inspiration, passing on their knowledge of camp craft, plant and tree identification, navigation, canoeing, sailing, skiing and observation. I owe them a lot, and thank them both for everything.